"Life's a rich affair of the senses, where emotions are music and the physical world the orchestra. You play as hard as you work, inhaling the rewards of both in a familiar and appreciative way. You know how to take care of yourself - spritually, mentally and physically, and are not prone to excess except in particular, carefully chosen instances. You appreciate art and music, free to escape in the concepts they birth. Time represents a canvas on which you display your craft, expressing your experience with life in interesting and new ways. You find yourself yearning for the past as a means to escape the hurried and impersonal present, recalling the lifestyle of your earlier times here. You are happy to lead but also know when following is more rewarding, and why. While you can tell the difference between and old soul and a young one, you are still prone to mild impatience when faced with other souls' faults or bad habits. As a result, you sometimes distance yourself and miss out on what otherwise may have been valuable experience. It is those experiences that will draw you back again and again, until you are a very old soul, and ready for the graduation from the school of the physical. "
:.bem New Age.
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